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Comprehensive Fire Damage Restoration in Pocatello, ID

Top-Rated Fire and Smoke Damage Recovery in Chubbuck Area

Dealing with damage from fire and smoke is never easy and losing part of your property and belongings to a fire is devastating. Nevertheless, ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by Houts - Pocatello is here to help you recover and see the light at the end of the tunnel. We offer expert guidance and clear communication when it comes to helping you clean in the aftermath of a fire. Our smoke damage and fire restoration services aim to get your home back to its pre-loss conditions.

Need smoke damage restoration in Pocatello? Call (208) 400-5696 or contact us online to get started!


Different causes of fire have different characteristics which yield unique types of damage. This is why smoke and fire restoration requires a personalized response.

At ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by Houts - Pocatello, we help homeowners recover from:

  • Cooking Fires: Usually, a cooking fire is caused by a build-up of grease from uncleaned kitchens and ovens and therefore usually occurs when unattended or unseen cooking oil bursts into flames. At the first sign of smoke in the kitchen, be sure to immediately turn off any burners or the oven to remove the source or heat. It is also important to keep an up-to-date fire extinguisher in your kitchen, as oil and grease fires cannot be put out with water.
  • Natural Fires: Wildfires are a source of smoke damage from burning trees, shrubs, and bushes. Fire outside the home can penetrate the structure of your home and leave smoke residue and terrible odors.
  • Electrical Fires: Electrical malfunctions lead to hundreds of local residential fires every year. Electrical fires are usually caused by faulty outlets but can also be caused by outdated, damaged, or worn appliances. It’s important never to use an appliance with a frayed cord, overload outlets, or rely on extension cords.
  • Accidental Fires: A forgotten candle, improperly put out cigarette, or unattended stovetop can spread fire to surrounding towels, paper products or anything else that may be in the fire’s way. It’s important to keep your eyes on any flame sources and to make sure burners and candles are properly extinguished before leaving your home.

Any type of fire has the potential to not only destroy your possessions and deal quite a bit of cosmetic damage, but the smoke and fire can also wreak havoc on your home’s roof, walls, and more. Additionally, whenever water is used to put out a fire, it’s essential to complete the proper water recovery services to eliminate the possibility of mold growth after reconstruction.


The Fire Triangle explains the three elements required to start and keep a fire burning.

  • Heat: Heat is an essential factor in the Fire Triangle. It's the source of ignition that starts a fire. It can come from an open flame, electricity, friction, or any other energy source.
  • Fuel: Fuel is the combustible material that sustains a fire after it has been ignited by the heat. Fire, wood, paper, plastic, cloth, natural gas, oil, and other organic matter can fuel a fire.
  • Oxygen: Oxygen is necessary for a fire to burn and spread. It allows the fire to consume the fuel source. Without oxygen, the fire won't burn.

Keeping elements of the Fire Triangle separated, when possible, as well as keeping a close eye on controlled flames used for cooking, is essential for preventing and extinguishing fires. Contact ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by Houts - Pocatello for more information today.


Fire and smoke can be hazardous to you and your loved one’s health and safety. It can also cause extensive damage to your property and destroy irreplaceable personal possessions and heirlooms. At the first signs of a fire, call 911. Once the fire is out and the damage is mitigated, our team will arrive as soon as we can to help. We’ll assess the losses, remove damaged materials and belongings, and get to work on helping your property return to its pre-loss conditions. We provide restoration services tailored to restore your peace of mind, as well as your home.

Regardless of the type of fire you’ve experienced, we can help. Be sure to turn to our trusted Pocatello restoration company today. Call us at (208) 400-5696 to request your service 24/7!